Keyes Ultraviolet Sensor Module
Keyestudio Steam Water Detection Sensor Module
Keyestudio Vibration Sensor Module
Keyestudio Analog LDR Sensor Module
Keyes LM35 Temperature Sensor Module
Keyes DHT11 Temperature and Humidity Sensor Module
Keyes Thermistor Temperature Sensor
DHT11 Temperature and Humidity Sensor Module
Keyestudio ADXL345 3 Axis Accelerometer Module
Keyestudio Hall/Holzer Switch Module
Keyes Hall/Holzer Effect Sensor Module
Keyestudio MQ-2 Smoke Sensor Module
Keyestudio PIR Motion Sensor Module
Keyestudio LM35 Temperature Sensor Module
UVM-30A Ultraviolet Sensor Module
LCD I2C Interface Adapter
Keyestudio 128x64 Blue OLED Display Module
Infrared Remote Control Set
16x2 Blue LCD with I2C Interface Module
20x4 Green LCD with I2C Interface Module
2x2 LED Panel WS2812 5050 RGB LED Module
24 LED Ring WS2812 5050 RGB Module