Let's Workshop: — Keyestudio
Let's Workshop: Keyestudio Obstacle Detector Module
Posted by Sebastian Karam on
- Tags: BDAA100029, Detector, IR, Keyes, Keyestudio, Lawnmower, Module, Obstacle, Roooooooooomba
Let's Workshop: Keyestudio ACS712 5A Current Sensor Module
Posted by Sebastian Karam on
- Tags: 5A, ACS712, Amp, Arduino, Big Fat Wires, Current, Keyestudio, Module, Sensor, UNO
Let's Workshop: Keyestudio IR Receiver Module
Posted by Sebastian Karam on
Here is a quick introduction to using the Keyestudio IR Detector module. Hopefully it will provide you with the confidence to intergrate IR light sensing into your project. This example will demonstrate the use of an Arduino UNO in monitoring a digital pin over the range of light levels that an IR detector responds to. Components 1pcs Arduino UNO or Compatible - LCAA100005 1pcs Keyestudio IR Detector Module - BDAA100020 3pcs Male to Female Jumper Cables - GBAA100002 Wiring Wire the one of the two boards to the Arduino as can be seen in the images below, taking care to match...
Let's Workshop: Keysetudio DS18B20 Temperature Sensor Module
Posted by Sebastian Karam on
- 1 comment
- Tags: Arduino, BDAA100019, DS18b20, Hot Air, Keyestudio, October 2019, Sensor, Temperature, UNO
Let's Workshop: Keyestudio Ambient Light Sensor Module
Posted by Sebastian Karam on