Let's Workshop: — UNO

Let's Workshop: Keyestudio Potentiometer and Slide Potentiometer

Posted by Sebastian Karam on

Let's Workshop: Keyestudio Potentiometer and Slide Potentiometer
This example will demonstrate the use of an Arduino UNO in monitoring an analog pin over the range of movement of the potentiometer component.

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Let's Workshop: 20x4 LCD Module and I2C Adapter

Posted by Sebastian Karam on

Let's Workshop: 20x4 LCD Module and I2C Adapter
This example will demonstrate the use of an Arduino UNO in communicating with the display through an I2C interface chipset to display text on the screen.

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Let's Workshop: 128x64 7pin OLED Module

Posted by Sebastian Karam on

Let's Workshop: 128x64 7pin OLED Module
Here is a quick introduction to using 128x64 7pin OLED modules. This will provide you with an entry point to using OLED modules and help give you the confidence to begin using them in your projects.

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Let's Workshop: LC Technology HC-SR04 Ultrasound Module

Posted by Sebastian Karam on

Let's Workshop: LC Technology HC-SR04 Ultrasound Module
The examples will demonstrate the use of an Arduino UNO in controlling the module. The first by producing a pulse then measuring the response directly, then calculating the distance. The second using a library, streamlining use further.

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Let's Workshop: Keyes ADXL345 3 Axis Accelerometer Module

Posted by Sebastian Karam on

Let's Workshop: Keyes ADXL345 3 Axis Accelerometer Module
This example will demonstrate the use of an Arduino UNO in selecting the module from the i2c bus and reading the sensors outputs. Once stored, it will check and pass them to the serial monitor.

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